Sunday 2 December 2012

Common terms used in sheep and goat

Common terms used in Sheep:-
Adult male                                          Ram/Tup
Adult female                                      Ewe
New born                                             Lamb
Young male                                         Ram lamb/Tup lamb
Young female                                    Ewe lamb/Gimmer lamb
Castrated male                                 Wether/Wedder
Castrated female                            Spayed
Yearlings                                             Hogget
Female with offspring                  Suckling
Act of parturition                            Lambing
Act of mating                                    Tupping
Pregnancy                                          Gestation
Sound produced                              Bleating
Group                                                   Flock/herd/mob
Species called as                              Ovine
Meat                                                      Mutton

Common terms used in Goat:-
Adult male                                          Buck
Adult female                                      Doe
New born                                            Kid
Young male                                        Buckling
Young female                                    Goatling
Castrated male                                 Wether/castrated goat
Castrated female                             Spayed
Female with offspring                    Suckling
Act of parturition                             Kidding
Act of mating                                     Serving
Pregnancy                                           Gestation
Sound produced                              Bleating
Group                                                   Flock/band
Species called as                              Caprine
Meat                                                     Chevon

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